Monday, June 12, 2006

Konfessions Of A Kristian

Kleedis, I thank-you. A swift kick in the bum may indeed be what I needed.

I have indeed fell short on my promise to blog. I believe at the time I was simply following the trend. Often times, I feel the need to blog about something, but don't know what or what words to use. I read other blogs often, and do indeed enjoy them. I don't see them as fluff or a waste of time. But I find myself dwarved by other people's articulation, and the grandeur of their ideas...I feel like the little stonhenge in Spinal Tap...I just don't measure up, and feel the dwarves dancing around me!

So what do I have to blog? Well, I've got something....

It has been on my mind of late that I'm a recovering-self-righteous Christian....a Kristian if you would. The authenticity wasn't always there, or if it was, sometimes the motivation or reaction was wrong. I looked down on borrow a quote from 'Firefly' "I only feel better than those people I'm better than."

So on to confession. My original e-mail address was
I felt that my e-mail address should reflect my faith, and be a witness to everyone who sent or recieved something from me. My music collection wasn't just Christian music....I had some Praise & Worship too. Cursing is not allowed, smoking and drinking send you to hell in a hand-basket. I did things and said things that were hurtful, condemning, and prententious....all in the name of Christ. My faith was built on presentation, and how others presented themselves....God saw what I did, not my motivations or what was in my heart.....What silly things we did as new Christians....silly, cheesy things....

But what passion! I was so in love with God. That was real. My worship was real. My prayers were earnest, I wanted to please and to be loved and love back. I wanted to intentions were great.

I had confession to my older brother about some of the things I've the name of being a Christian...he was unfortunately at the recieving end of some of my cleansing, how freeing! How HEALING! We're closer now than ever!

Can we get back to that? The passion of the new convert, and the wisdom of the old saint? Do they co-exist, and if so, what does that look like? Am I getting there?

This last Saturday my brother got married and he said something during his speech that brought me to tears....he said I was living the best example of a Christian life he could think of. Wow....Wow... Did I try to put that forth? No....I've thrown off appearances in favour of transparency.

So here's the challenge.....what's your Konfession? What kind of silly things have you the name of Christ....Christian Rhetoric, blah blah blah, Cheesy Kristian things people, that's what we're ashamed of, but they make for good reading!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


6:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I self righteous? Yeah, like the other day I made a brother in Christ feel guilty for not posting on his blog when I have had a LiveJournal account since last the millenium and I have posted once. I must find that brother and ask forgiveness.

As to the marketting of Kristianity, I have yet to own a bumpersticker or a T-shirt partially because I haven't wanted Jesus blamed for whatevery I decide to do while driving the car or wearing the shirt.

3:35 PM  
Blogger Matt From Canada said...

Kleedis, I sure forgive....don't worry aboot that. As per the t-shirt, I never had, but sure wanted...the closest I think I had was a Jesus Fish on my guitar case....right next to a sticker of Bono as MacPhisto

5:47 PM  
Blogger Matt From Canada said...

to anon...perhaps what? I'm not following...

9:28 PM  

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