Monday, March 27, 2006

Operation Maple Dip

Last week I was able to join Erik, Sharon and Matt Porter for Etcetera. I had a blast as my fellow Canadians called in and joined me in Operation Maple Dip. The show was a blast, and the Fred was even better. Thanks to all who called, and to Erik, Sharon, and Matt, thank-you for it all. I'll be back!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matthew of Canada,
It comes as great sorrow that I must approach you upon a most urgent matter. Since the heroic invasion of my America by you brave insurgents of the Great North, a tragic surcumstance has occured. So in christian love and by the adminition of our brother Paul to be uplifting in words shared among brothers, I humbly demand--POST! DANG IT!
For, as you can understand in all your wisdom, prolonged neglect of your great fan base may cause revolt, sending them tragicly to other, less worthy, blogs. {{SHUTTER}}
Yes, they can receive a temporary fix by revisiting past post, but, as with any intoxicant, the original uphoria of its first entering the bloodstream is dulled. It must be refreshed, made more intense by new material. I am deeply sorry that I, as an unworthy, should be the insturment to have assumed this dreadful tast. I request your forgiveness. At the same instance, I beg you consider the fan. I well realize that you may be engaged in someother worthy activity, mop-up opporations in the States, building the Great Cathedral of Yellowknife, or becoming a full time groopie of U2, but please give to us who are in withdrawl a drop of mercy at your earliest convenience.

9:35 PM  

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