Friday, February 24, 2006

Who I Am...And How I Got Here...Part I

Back in my fundamentalist days, there was a very clean cut line between my Christian faith and everything else. If it didn't verbally, visually, or aurally support God outright, then it was wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Self rightousness is a wonderful thing, until you recognize it for what it is. As I write this, I'm sucking down a Mike's Hard Lemonade, rocking out to the Rocky Horror Picture Show soundtrack...on vinyl for you audiophiles. So how did I get here? I don't know....somewhere on this blog as it goes, that may become apparent....I think that's my purpose of it. It's called 'More Than 42' and I guess I could explain see I'm a big fan of 'The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy' in all its show, BBC TV show, film, books and any reference to 42. In the books, which I now read twice a year,

Let's Do The Time Warp Again!

sorry, musical interlude

about halfway through the first book, they've built a super computer called Deep Thought

Let's Do The Time Warp Again!
Let's Do The Time Warp Again!

sorry....kinda a fitting song here though :)

which is given the task to find out the ultimate answer to life, the universe and everything. It takes 7.5 million years, but eventually comes up with the answer....42. So the rest of the series (5 books) they try to find the answer. I find that a great spin on traditional's the answer, get the question...kinda like existential Jeopardy. But my thoughts were that there must be 'More Than 42'. They conclude that the answer and the question may not exist in the same spacial universe, since that would create a time paradox that would make Dr. Brown gladly try to handle the thought of generating 1.21 jiggawatts. They'd simply cancel each other out. I thought how is that like, or unlike my faith? As a Christian, I think I have both the question and the answer, but I'm not sure how to convey that, but it occurs to me that whatever it is, it's not as simple as 42. Sorry Mr. Adams.


Blogger Mrs Zeke said...

Oh boy the time warp....

Midnight every weekend lets see what else was playing if I can remember..

Decline of the western civilization
Not so quiet on the western front

Can't think of anything more. I would say something related to your post but I have no clue about the more then 42 thing....

But I don't care I am just glad you are here :)

10:17 PM  
Blogger Matt From Canada said...

Thanks! I don't get it either...but then again I don't get me half the time!

5:50 AM  

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