Thursday, September 22, 2005

Basic Introductions: Part Two

Nearly 4 minutes before my first spam! Was it spam? Perhaps it was eggs and spam? Perhaps eggs spam spam spam spam spam spam bacon and spam. Myself? I prefer spam spam spam spam and spam. Have I ever tried spam? No indeed I have not, and do not have any desire to do so. Was the response to my inital not the test people...was it spam, or was it in fact anonymous? The comment read "Your blog is very interesting, check out mine if you have a chance sometime!
I have a credit site/blog. It pretty much covers credit related stuff." and the link took me to a site filled with debt consolodation guidlines. All well and good if I ever need to re-finance my Visa, but not much in the way of a kick off. Was it real? If it was, then I am very interested in what is particularly interesting about 'morethan42' at this point. I haven't added anything that I want to yet....mostly because I don't know how to create menu's! Can I have pages withing pages, a vast library of information available to the droogs who swing by here? Does it matter? Not right now. In the end, I was vailidated, and the computer on the other end thinks I have a very intersting blog! To the computer, I thank-you. To the person who I've inadvertantly insulted by not believing, I apologise!

Rock On, Win awards

Matt from Canada


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