Thursday, September 22, 2005

Basic Introduction: Part One

One could sit and argue about the value of making a good first impression. There have certainly been instances of bad first impressions. Can I think of any? Or am I just trying to be high-browed and impressive, and indeed trying to make a good impression here?
Of course I am. I can’t think of anything great to back this up, and indeed, I’m really regretting writing what I’m writing now. Why do I have a blog? What could I hope to gain by this? I guess a little back story first. I am Matt From Canada, so Christened by Bono himself. During my formative years, I went from Matthew, to Matt, to Berg (surname), to not being able to see my name written as “Matt”, feeling that it was somehow incomplete, to eventually settling on ‘honey’....but that’s only to my wife. As the years have passed, the high school pressures, the worrying about the ups and downs of “Matthew” versus “Matt”, and having people walk all over me........I’ll hang on a minute while that sinks in......I eventually settled on Matthew. That has changed as I’ve said, to “Matt From Canada”. A further post will follow to that as soon as I get validated for this blog. Which brings me back to where I started. Why a blog? My motivation really came from “Etcetera”. Check out the link and give it a won’t regret it. It’s become a tradition to listen to the Podcast on Thursdays. The show airs on Wednesday’s live....the other day, I called in live, and one of the first things they asked was “do you have a blog? To which I replied, “Matt from Canada does not have a blog.”, and “Matt from Canada’s talking about himself in the third-person.” Jeff / Geoff....I don’t know which....said “That’s great blog material.” A day later, some crash course in blogging....which I think I failed, and an attempt to appear upper-browed, hoping for the upper class twit of the year award, here’s my first post. Well, second post.

What am I hoping to accomplish? Etcetera issued a challenge...not really but I took it as such....Ping...send out a signal, and see what comes back. Honesty is a policy, a core part of “morethan42”. Has anything been edited? Except for spell-checking, no. Can I even be sure that it’s all set up right? No. I don’t know if people can post, or not. My address is here, and if people can’t post, let me know. What’s going to be here? I HAVE NO IDEA!!! I’m just following others. I’m not a leader here, I’ll probably repeat some stuff and link to a lot of stuff....oh well. I hope I don’t get sued!

Am I still rambling? Is the introduction done? HAVE I MADE A GOOD IMPRESSION?!
I don’t care.....but I really do. Please....validate me....

before I go....I leave two thoughts.

i) Life is more than 42. If you follow, I think you’ll like what I’m going to do. If you don’t, please learn to.


and ii)
Friends don’t let friends listen to Journey

Matt from Canada


Anonymous Anonymous said...

interesting blog the answer to everything 42 or something like that

8:41 AM  

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