Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Hymn's, Bleach, And A Crashed Car

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Fridays, Saturday('s alright *)

The days go by. Days become weeks, and weeks become months. Is this how the passing through this life is supposed to go? Each passing day, adding up to seven, making one weak? No that's not a spelling error. Sometimes we do feel weak don't we? We're supposed to grow stronger, yet we don't. We look to God to get us out of whatever sin / rutt / hole / relationship / job / home / city / country / life that we may be in. We get out occasionally, but then we fall back in. And then we get out...and then back in. Life feels like a dirty t-shirt sometimes. Each time it gets dirty, we take it to the Washer/Dryer and it's like new again. A little less white, but it's there again. Ready to wear, show off...and inevitably get dirty again. Church is like that isn't it? We get dirty Monday, or maybe not until Thursday, perhaps even up until Saturday night, and then we come to Church, sit for the 45 min spin cylcle, or perhaps we need to bleach the stain by raising our hand, talking to the Pastor, or listening oh so intently to the chorus with our pious eyes closed. And then, we walk out the door, and head right back to the muddy field. Getting our newly cleaned shirt dirty again. Some of our shirts are hand-washed, and have to be handled in a slighty different manner. The really special attire is dry-clean only, and if misshandled, won't fit us once it's done.

Is that all God is to us? The laundermat? We come in once a week, bring our detergent, or maybe get it there, read a magazine / bulliten (proper spelling?), or my favourite, the hymnal (...really), do the crossword/fill in the notes, and then once it's done, our Bible/detergent goes back on the shelf, and our shirt/life goes back out there and gets stained again. Where does it go wrong? When do we make the error? The simple answer seems to be stay away from the mud, and the things that will make it dirty. But is that the only answer? I dont' think so, but I also know that I don't have the answer. I'm still looking. But one thing I do know, and this I hold to....it does all come out in the wash....you just need to be washed the right way.

* - if you get that joke, you're cool.


Blogger Unknown said...

Little known fact. A load of wash with many items in it cleans easier than a single garment. The rubbing of the items against each other loosens the dirt for rinsing away.

"Daddy's Gonna Pay For Your Crashed Car"
He already did.

9:22 AM  

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