Sunday, September 25, 2005

Keeping Up With The Jones'

So I’m listening to the radio the other day, and this add comes on. It seems that Bob Johnson has just purchased a large-screen tv for a reasonable price, and was able to get it home with limited difficulty, and spent more of the evening setting up his new-found prize than he actually spent watching it. But that’s okay because he got a good deal right? That is what we think, until his neigbour Jeff Jones comes over and tells him that for the same price, he got the tv purchase, the delivery and installation, plus the in-house warrenty, guaranteed to cover more than the manufacturers! Our focus shifts from celebrating Bob and his accomplishments, to pity for the man, sadness and downright shame that we were but moments ago cheering for this weekend warrior! The greener grass on the Jones’ side of the fence has us rushing out to the store, desiring to get out of lugging the screen for ourselves, and wanting to have it “proffessionally” installed. But what of Bob? The “other” guy. I personally feel bad for the guy. I don’t think he was gipped out of a deal. The t.v. got to his house didn’t it? We’re bombarded with competing groups telling us that their deal is better than the other guys!!! The Jeff Jones’ of the world are mocking us! My TV is bigger and better, my car goes faster, my job pays more, and I have the house in the nicer neighbourhood. And have you seen my hummer? Why are we so quick to jump along with these pressures? When did we decide to focus so much one what others have and what we want, that we lose focus on what we’ve been blessed with? We come into the world with clenched fists, and leave with open palms. Our homes and hummers will remain, the property will be sold, the Jones’ will move away, and the T.V. that you bought over-priced is already obsolete by the time you turn it on. So who cares? Certainly not the Jones’. Let them go on ahead. You’re all going to the same destination anyways. Enjoy the walk as much as possible.

Cheers and Win Awards

Matt from Canada


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We'll always compete and compare. It's to what extent we take it that makes it crap.

8:45 AM  

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