Friday, March 03, 2006

Conditional Love

About six years ago, I was at the ATM machine topping up my wallet for a fun-filled evening of merryment. As I was exiting the bank, a man in his mid-late thirties approached me and asked me if I had five bucks to spare. I did, so I gave it to him. A sense of servitude and satisfaction came over me. It was great.
The next day, I again had to swing by the ATM, and as I did, I passed a variety store where outside, leaning against the window not unlike Jay & Silent Bob, was this fellow, taking a long drag on a cigarette. Huh, I thought to that how he spent my money?
Yet a third trip to the ATM a few days later was upon me, and once again, as I left, this very same fellow approached and asked again for five bucks. Well this time would be different.
"What for?"
"The Bus."
"You mean you're not going to take it and buy cigarettes?"
"All right. Here."
After all, I was a Christian and this man was Jesus to me. I was serving him.

I did see him smoking again. He's never asked me for money again, mostly because I've never bumped into him again. However, I'm sure that if he did see me, he'd ask again.

Somewhere along the way, I got lost.
We got lost.
Serving Jesus should not have strings attached.
We'll help you as long as you act accordingly.
We'll feed the homeless, as long as they listen to a message.
We'll take in a boarder, as long as they come to church with us.
We'll give you five bucks, as long as you don't use it for smokes.

When did His money, become Our money?

When will we cut the strings of our generosity, and simply have the freedom to give.
And be free to be Jesus.


Blogger Mrs Zeke said...

Here is the thing I remember to tell myself when someone ask me for something I can give. I am not in charge of what they do with it (I am not talking about standing in front of a drug dealer giving a junky money). If I do not give to the 9 who might use it to buy something I do not approve of then how am I going to get to the 10th who is going to use it for the better in there life?

Maybe I have to give to 100 before the 101st I don't know and really it's not my business it's God's.
Well so I think.

Your loved

12:36 PM  

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