Thursday, January 25, 2007

What If...

What if you didn't go to work today?
What if you slept in?
What if you didn't shower & get ready?
What if the day went by without you?
What if no one noticed?
What if you didn't notice?
What if you felt sick?
What if you were sick?
What if you weren't?
What if you went to the doctor?
What if you didn't?
What if he told you you had six months to live?
What if you didn't know that?
What if you did something about it?
What if you couldn't?
What if you tried anyways?
What if you just gave up?
What if you changed everything, and still didn't live?
What if you changed everything and did live?
What if you fixed all your bad relationships?
What if you left them as they were?
What if you said you were sorry more?
What if you said "I love you" more?
What if you meant it?
What if the grass didn't get cut today?
What if you played with the kids instead?
What if you went for a picnic?
What if you kissed your wife with no expectations?
What if just held hands?
What if you just gave her a hug?
What if "the guys" found out?
What if mattered?
What if for once you did something for someone else?
What if it made a difference for them?
What if what you did was just what they needed?
What if you never found out?
What if you hadn't said it?
What if you hadn't done it?
What if you'd left it all alone?
What if you'd waited for someone else to do it?
What if you stayed in bed?
What if you didn't wake up?

What if you didn't wake up?
What if you didn't...wake...up?
What if...
What if...
What if...

What would you do?