Thursday, January 12, 2006


A few days behind already! Ah well. Much has developed! But first a correction from last entry.

Okay, it took us 62 verses to screw it up...and I thought the rest was God sorting it out. Turns out, he had it all done in 9 verses. Three verse 15 has the first prediction and glimpse of the salvation plan. Then it's 31,196 verses of God going "okay, this is how it'll happen."

Now, several generations have come and gone, and lo and behold, the Earth sucks and God says 'that's it, I'll kill them all!'....that's the 'New Living Language Version'...publishing pending.
Then along comes Noah. What was he doing that was so special that God liked him, and said 'he'll do'? Two people, in ten generations. Now one out of five is okay I guess, but we're talking Generations here! You know, 'had other sons and daughters'? Speaking of, who the heck did Cain marry? Was there some sort of God-approved....incest? Just to get the human race started? What did we get like, 300 years of mutant-free breeding just as a kick-start? Also of notable interest, something I figured out on one of my many read-throughs of Genesis, none of which went on to become the full Bible-read that I thought. Do the Math, and you'll see that Methuselah, oldest man ever at 969, Noah's Grandfather....died the same year as the flood. Woops.
I'd like to talk to Enoch. He had it right. Says he "walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away." What was it like not to die?
So we have Noah....I won't do too much to talk about him, because I think Bill Cosby said it right. "Who's there?" , "It's the Lord, Noah!" , "....Right!"

Monday, January 09, 2006

Srewed Up In Just 62 Verses

What the heck happened?

Okay, so I’m starting to read the Bible i n a year. I’m not going to buy one of them ‘Read A Bible In A Year’ bits, because I’ve got a New King James, three NIV, a pocket New Testament, the Gideons, a ‘For Couples’ Bible, and a “paraphrase” version with some guys name on it, so I’ll go with the Serendipity version....that’s the one that follows me to church usually. I did the math, and there are 1744 pages in my Bible, and Genesis starts on pg 51. When you do the math, that works out to 4.6 pages a day. In case you didn’t notice, it’s January 9th. That puts me a few days behind, and I’m sure I’ll miss a few, so I’m aiming high and going for six a day. Starting this morning. The only rule is that I won’t finish in the middle of a chapter....finish the chapter. Well today, that ended me up to Chapter Three of Genesis. I’ve read them many times. 31240 verses in the Bible, it takes us 62 to screw it up. The other 31178 are God fixing it. So there we were, enjoying God’s grace and presence, Him actually walking with us, and we threw it away. But that’s okay, because he fixed it. We screw up...he fixes it (forgive the lowercase ‘h’...too lazy right now)....we rebel, he waits....we damage...he heals....we fall...he picks us up....he dies....we live....what is that about? What kind of God creates a wonderful masterpiece, and then invites a savage to hang out that he knows will screw it up. He was willing to risk it all, literally, just to hang out with us. That’s the kind of creator I want. That’s the kind of God, I want to know. But I still screw it up...but that’s okay.